Saturday, December 12, 2015

Restoring grades for a student who accidentally unenrolled from a Moodle course

A couple of weeks back I was contacted by a student in the AuthorAID MOOC who had unenrolled from the course by mistake (although the danger of doing this was explicitly mentioned in the course induction section). She said she had almost completed the course and she was understandably in panic.

On this page at*, I learnt that "Users enrolled with methods other than manual will have their grades restored depending on the value of "recovergradesdefault" in Administration > Site administration > Grades > General settings." Well, that's only half the story. You also need to regrade every activity for a student who gets back into a course after unenrolling. At least that's what I had to do! Complete steps below:
  1. Under site administration -> grades -> general settings, I checked "recover grades default".
  2. The student had enrolled originally with self enrolment (not manual enrolment) and this had closed. So I opened up self enrolment specifically for her with a new password and gave it to her.
  3. Once she enrolled herself back in the course, I went to every quiz in the course, selected her name, and clicked "regrade selected attempts".
There were a couple of peer assessment activities in the course which had closed, and to change her grades for these I would have had to move them back to the "grading evaluation" phase, which might have caused confusion among the remaining students -- there were more than 500 active students in the course so I didn't want to disturb them! I changed her grades for these activities manually in the gradebook.

*I edited this documentation page after writing this post.

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